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Bollard Lighting

Bollards provide the garden with inviting lighting that nicely illuminates a hallway, driveway or darker area of the plot. Together with your other outdoor lighting, you get a uniform and beautiful overall impression all year round.

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Bollard lighting - a nice overall impression

When you buy bollards, you should strive to create a nice overall impression with lighting that blends in with the rest of the house. Many bollards can be combined with similar outdoor lights to achieve a uniform style. You can also match your bollards with details from the house. Combine color and materials from window coverings and gutters with your new poles.

Stylish bollards for the driveway

A common use for bollards is to illuminate a darker area in the garden or a driveway. In this way, you get both a beautiful outdoor environment and at the same time you facilitate the accessibility and visibility of the plot. A house in a modern style usually goes best with a modern bollard in a similar style.

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