215 kr Rek. 229 krStelton
Solis oil lamp Brass
599 krStelton
EM ship's lamp H 34 cm Steel
5 299 krStelton
EM ship's lamp H 43 cm Steel
6 499 kr
A kerosene lamp provides the maximum coziness factor and is also a very stylish interior detail in the home. Kerosene lamps are perfect for the cozy evening at home and the late summer night on the balcony.
During the end of the 19th century and well into the 20th century, the kerosene lamp was actually the most common type of lamp in homes around Sweden. Nowadays, kerosene lamps are mainly used as mood lighting and as a stylish interior detail, apart from that it is also an excellent alternative for spaces such as balconies, conservatories and summer cottages where you may not have access to electric lighting.
You will find kerosene lamps in many new designs and variants, but also models of kerosene lanterns that have existed since the 19th century. If you are looking for a special kerosene lamp or oil lamp that you do not find in our range, contact us and we will try to get it home for you!
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